Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My first shoot with my new camera (40D / 17-55mm)

Wow... so its been a while since I've been on here.. forgot my password and login info its been so long. Wont happen again as I am going to be updating the page with photography experiments as I continue to learn my new camera.

I should probably start from the beginning of my story but am anxious to get these pieces up so I will save that for another day. I did however just buy a new Canon 40D and a 17-55mm lens. Stoked on the way things are looking with it so far.. LOVE the wide angle. Here are a few snaps of me hanging with Brandon and Ricardo the other weekend.

Brandon just bought a new (old) ride and wanted to roll the beach.. snapped shots that day with the new camera. Here are the first batch.

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